JIGGY Puzzle Postcards are 24 piece puzzles that are meant to be shared.
Make it personal
When you receive your JIGGY Puzzle Postcard, write your note on the back of the puzzle. A wish, a thought, a hello…or a puzzle pun :) Pen or marker work best.
Take apart the pieces and place them in the envelope, along with the adhesive sheet and magnet strip. This allows your recipient to keep it and proudly display it on the fridge!
Sign, seal & deliver
Address and seal the envelope, add postage, and send your JIGGY Puzzle Postcard in the mail. Sit back and wait for a delighted call to come when they decipher your note!
JIGGY Puzzle Postcards include:
Your JIGGY Puzzle Postcard will come with an envelope, magnet and adhesive strip to include when sending to your recipient as well as instructions on how to send your JIGGY Puzzle Postcard.