Studio Series: Meet Caverly Smith

Studio Series: Meet Caverly Smith

Meet Caverly Smith.

My name is Caverly and I’m a Canadian wife and mother of three, with a degree in fine art and illustration, who loves to draw and paint florals, birds, landscapes, and faces. I started my artistic journey, like most artists do, as a Disney-dreaming child. I can remember getting into trouble for drawing on the underside of my grandmother’s table cloth because I didn’t have any paper within arms reach. I left my vandalizing ways behind me and nowadays stick to more traditional media, like paper and canvas, watercolours, oils and inks.

What’s your Artist Statement?

With a background in illustration, I like to create art with a storybook style. Artwork should make us feel and experience something real. My artwork is bright and cheery in order to invoke much the same sensibility in its viewer. It’s important to me to create artwork that brings joy.


I love the concept of female creators coming together and having a platform on which to offer their beautiful work as a unique product. One of my favorite things is when visual artwork becomes interactional and that’s what JIGGY centers around.

What are you most excited about in becoming a JIGGY Studio artist?

I’m excited about being a part of an international collection of artists and sharing what we have. I love seeing artwork from around the world; the different styles, techniques and learning how each artist was influenced. Putting a face to a piece of art makes it so much more beautiful and meaningful, and so I’m looking forward to new faces and new inspiration.

What’s your puzzle strategy and ritual?

I work best with a cup of mint tea. I have a collection of mismatched bone china tea cups, and refuse to drink mint tea from anything else. I prefer to have something playing in the background; it takes the pressure off and adds to the joy of creating. Sometimes it’s music playing in the background and sometimes it’s reruns of Downton Abbey. The episodes pair perfectly with my cup of tea.

If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?!

If I could collaborate with any artist, it would have been Jill Barklem, the British writer and illustrator behind the ‘Brambly Hedge’ collection of children’s books. Her work, both literary and artistic, is perfection to me and I would have loved to meet her and pick her brain about her creative process.

Who's your dream guest for a dinner & puzzle party?

My dream guest(s) for a dinner and puzzle party would be my very own family. I enjoy absolutely nothing more than quality time with my family. My parents would be there, my brothers, my husband, our kids, my nana, niece and nephews. And then the next night, I’d of course have another dinner and puzzle party and invite the cast of Downton Abbey - as long as they were in character.

Where can people find you?


Instagram: @caverlysmith