Studio Series: Meet Cat Willet

Studio Series: Meet Cat Willet

Meet Cat Willett.

Cat Willett is a Brooklyn-based artist. She is the author and illustrator of the upcoming graphic biography Queen of Wands: The Story of Pamela Colman Smith, the Artist Behind the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, out in September 2022 through Running Press Books.

What’s your Artist Statement?

My drawings depict strong female figures, period nostalgia (especially from the 90s), and flora, always deeply rooted in history with a bit of whimsy.


Jiggy puzzles are so beautiful and timeless, and I'm excited to have my work in the homes of many different people.

What are you most excited about in becoming a JIGGY Studio artist?

Seeing others interacting with my work in a new way!

What’s your puzzle strategy and ritual?

I love to have some music and snacks ready, and always start with the edges.

If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?!

Patti Smith

Who's your dream guest for a dinner & puzzle party?

Probably also Patti Smith!

Where can people find you?


Instagram: @catxwillett